Thursday, July 21, 2011

Getting to India

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Kickstarter campaign. Although we did not reach our goal, awareness of our project is still growing.

While time is too short to have another go at Kickstarter, we've concentrated our efforts on getting to India. The Earth Dynamics, Perceptions and Deadlocks conference in India this September is a critical event that we need to attend to get this project on its feet.

We will be able to produce this film without going to this conference, but it will be the best opportunity to get the project off the ground. In addition to the interviews we have filmed, we will be able to produce a short promo version, likely ten minutes or so in length, to get the project on its legs.

The conference will be an opportunity not only to get interviews with relevant figures who can speak to the film's subject, but also a place to obtain additional funding from researchers sympathetic to our goal. Our ability to network with such individuals will go a long way towards bringing this project to life.

We are concentrating our efforts on getting to India for these reasons, and if you can help us in any small way to get us there, your support will be greatly appreciated.

To donate, use the Chipin link to the right. We will be able to cover the necessary travel expenses if we reach 30% of our goal. Every little bit helps. If everyone who visits this page between now and the conference donates $20, we will have enough to go to India and produce the kind of exclusive, good quality material that this project needs. We will also make sure to provide a downloadable copy of the finished film to anyone who donates.

Thanks again for the continued support, and if you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to send them our way!

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